Home News What’s On in February 2022

What’s On in February 2022

1st/Tues        “Friendship Group”  2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend, contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041

7th/Mon       Ottery St Mary Supporters Group meet 10.30am in The Coffee Bank. Come along for a chat over a coffee. 

9th/Weds      Ottery St Mary WI talk on Neuroscience by Jamie Aylward 7.30pm in The Institute     11th/Fri         “Craft and a Cuppa” 2-3pm in Ottery Library. Bring your crafts ( sewing, knitting, crochet etc) to have a chat and a cuppa whilst making

13th/Sun       Otter Vale Friends of Hospiscare Bingo Eve at Ottery Football Club. Doors open at 6.45pm and Eyes Down at 7.45pm.  Transport available  –  contact Steve Pearcy on 811335

14th/Mon      Ottery Writers Group meet 7-9pm at The Station Hub.  If you’d like to join email jehall1949@icloud.com to be sent a personal invitation.

15th/Tues       Ottery Heritage Society talk  “ The Story of West Country Silver”, 7.30pm in The Institute

24th/Thurs      “Memory Café”  2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club.  To attend, contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041

25th/Fri           “Craft and a Cuppa” 2-3pm in Ottery Library. Bring your crafts ( sewing, knitting, crochet etc) to have a chat and a cuppa whilst making  

26th/Sat            “Community Market”  9.30am-12.30pm in The Institute, Yonder Street, Ottery.

Come along and see what there is and also have some lovely refreshments provided by the WI Ladies

14 February 2022
Last Updated
12 April 2023
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