Home News What’s On in September 2022

What’s On in September 2022

31st Aug/Weds      Flower Festival “Ottery Past and Present” in Ottery Parish Church 11am-5pm. Refreshments served all day.

1st/Thurs           Flower Festival “Ottery Past and Present” in Ottery Parish Church 11am-5pm Refreshments served all day

2nd/Fri                Flower Festival “Ottery Past and Present” in Ottery Parish Church 11am-5pm Refreshments served all day

3rd/Sat                Flower Festival “Ottery Past and Present” in Ottery Parish Church 11am-5pm Refreshments served all day. Tower Tours from 2pm

3rd/Sat               “Ottregians Over 60s Club” Coffee Morning 10.15am in The Institute

3rd/Sat                “Ottery Food and Families Festival” all day in field opposite Otter Garden Centre. Look out for posters and programmes for details

Mondays Fortnightly    Barclays Bank in Ottery Library to help with money management and financial health to improving your home or digital support. No cash or counter but here to help with your banking. To book an appointment please log onto: www.barclays.co.uk/local . Simply enter your postcode to find out the times available.

6th/Tues         “Friendship Group” 2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041

8th /Thurs         “Boardroom” – board games group 2-4pm in West Hill Church Hall. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041

9th/Fri        “Craft and a Cuppa” 2-3pm in Ottery Library. Bring your crafts (sewing, knitting, crochet etc) to have a chat and a cuppa whilst doing

9th/Fri             Ottregians Over 60s Club Bingo 2.30pm in The Institute

11th/Sun          Otter Vale Friends of Hospiscare Bingo eve at Ottery Football Club. Doors open 6.45pm and Eyes Down at 7.45pm. Transport available – contact Steve Pearcy on 01404 813335

12th/Mon        Ottery Writers Group meet 7-9pm in The Station Hub. If you’d like to join email jehall1949@icloud.com

16th/Fri             Ottery Community Theatre “The Passing of Time” an evening of 2 One Act Plays. 7.30pm in The Institute. Tickets £12, to include a Ploughman’s Supper in the interval, from The Curious Otter Bookshop, Mill Street or by email at otterycommunitytheatre@gmail.com

17th/Sat             Ottery Community Theatre “The Passing of Time” an evening of 2 One Act Plays. 7.30pm in The Institute. Tickets £12, to include a Ploughman’s Supper in the interval, from The Curious Otter Bookshop, Mill Street or by email at otterycommunitytheatre@gmail.com

20th/Tues          “Chatterbox Bereavement Support Group” 2.30-4pm various locations. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041

20th/Tues         Ottery Heritage Society AGM 7.30pm in The Institute followed at 8pm by talk on  ”Finds from South West Shipwrecks” by Charlotte Coles MSc

20th/Tues       Ottery Flower Club demonstration ‘That Autumnal Feeling’ by Heather Werkmeister 7.30pm in West Hill Village Hall

22nd/Thurs       “Memory Café” 2-4pm at Ottery Cricket Club. To attend contact Ottery Help Scheme on 01404 813041

23rd/Fri             “Craft and a Cuppa” 2-3pm in Ottery Library. Bring your crafts (sewing, knitting, crochet etc) to have a chat and a cuppa whilst doing

23rd/Fri             Ottregians Over 60s Club Bingo 2.30pm in The Institute

24th/Sat              “Community Market” 9.30am-12.30pm in The Institute, Yonder Street, Ottery. Refreshments in The Market Cafe

25th/Sun            Carnival Bingo eve at Ottery Football Club. Doors open 6.30pm and Eyes Down at 7.30pm

30th/Fri              Live Music – BlimeyOhRiley and Blue Man Earl at The King of Clubs, Kings Arms, Ottery. For details see supermercados.com/gigs

23 August 2022
Last Updated
12 April 2023
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