There is a General Election on July 4th 2024. Most people eighteen and over are eligible to vote. To vote in an election for the UK Parliament someone must:
- be registered to vote in the constituency
- be of voting age – 18 years old on polling day
- be either a British citizen, a qualifying Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland
- and not be subject to any ‘legal incapacity’ to vote – prisoners serving a sentence for a conviction cannot vote in UK parliamentary elections and neither can peers in the House of Lords.
- Have a suitable ID, which you must take with you if voting in person.
For anyone who has turned 18 since December 2019 this will be their first General Election and may need some advice about the voting process.

Voting can be in person at the voting station, via a postal vote or a proxy vote. Details of how to register, check your ID and the different methods of voting can be found via the Government voting portal.
In 2019 there were 15.5 million non-voters, that’s more potential votes than any one party received. If you are wondering why you should vote, then there is a non-biased information site about parliament, how to vote and the reasons for voting.